

2024-06-29 15:42:18


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國家資通安全會報 技術服務中心



Flash Player任意執行代碼弱點通告

Macromedia的Flash Player產品中被發現存在一些漏洞,可以允許\遠端攻擊者在具有漏洞的系統上執行任意程式碼。由於Flash為目前全球最普遍的網站動畫格式,絕大部份的個人電腦都安裝了免費的Flash Player 用以瀏覽網站上的 Flash 動畫,因此 Flash Player漏洞可能成為駭客攻擊的重要目標。

此漏洞存在於 Flash Player 及其以前之版本。由於瀏覽器需要安裝 Flash Player 才能瀏覽網站 Flash 動畫,因此只要瀏覽器能正確顯示 Flash 動畫,不論瀏覽器種類(Internet Explorer、Opera、Firefox)都應進行更新。

技服中心強烈呼籲各政府單位若使用這些版本的Flash Player,應儘速升級至最新版本,且持續注意Flash Player之安全漏洞。

所有安裝 Flash Player的使用者


技服中心建議所有使用 Flash Player的相關單位:

1.應儘速升級 Flash Player 至最新版本(目前為,並注意後續版本持續進行系統升級動作。

[1] Flash Player最新版本下載:http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash(可選擇不安裝 Yahoo Toolbar)

國家資通安全會報 技術服務中心




Microsoft 於3月15日公佈了 MS06-011弱點通告,公佈Windows Service DACLs (discretionary access control lists)具有可能導致提昇權限的弱點。此項弱點可能讓擁有效登入憑證的使用者在Windows 上取得完全的系統控制權。惡意人士可能利用此弱點修改受影響服務預設的檔案,進而能夠停止及重新啟動服務以執行惡意應用程式,達到在受駭系統上安裝惡意程式、瀏覽、修改或刪除檔案。

此弱點存在於 Windows XP SP1及Windows Server 2003,技服中心呼籲使用所有使用微軟 Windows 平台的使用者儘快採取以下建議措施。

所有使用微軟 Windows SP1及Windows Server 2003平台的使用者



1.儘速安裝更新程式,對 MS06-011進行漏洞修補。

2.Windows XP使用者應安裝 Windows XP Service Pack 2,並利用Windows Update 及設定「自動更新」功\能定時進行漏洞修補程式下載及安裝,並且開啟 Windows 防火牆設定。

國家資通安全會報 技術服務中心



Microsoft Office多項安全性弱點更新通知

Microsoft 於3月15日公佈了 MS06-012弱點通告。此弱點為微軟Microsoft Office軟體可能導致允許\執行任意程式碼的安全性弱點。分別為未適當處理含有格式錯誤的檔案、未適當處理含有錯誤BOOLERR記錄的\".BIFF\"檔案格式、未適當處理含有錯誤描述的檔案、未適當處理含有惡意圖形的檔案、未適當處理含有惡意記錄的檔案。當使用開啟遭到這些惡意竄改的文件時,可能會出現執行任意程式碼的安全性弱點。

此弱點存在於 Office2003、Works Suite 2006 與之前的版本,技服中心呼籲使用所有使用微軟 Office軟體的使用者儘快採取以下建議措施。

所有使用Microsoft Office軟體的使用者



1.儘速安裝更新程式,對 MS06-012進行漏洞修補。

2.Windows XP使用者應安裝 Windows XP Service Pack 2,並利用Windows Update 及設定「自動更新」功\能定時進行漏洞修補程式下載及安裝,並且開啟 Windows 防火牆設定。

[1] 微軟漏洞更新通告資訊網址:http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/security/bulletin/ms06-012.mspx

TW-CA-2006-033-[RHSA-2006:0262-01: Important: kdegraphics security update]
──── 簡述 ─────────────────────────────────
更新 kdegraphics 套件,以完整修正安全漏洞。
此更新動作被 Red Hat Security Response Team 列為重要性安全影響。

──── 說明 ─────────────────────────────────
kdegraphics 套件中有許\多 KDE 的應用程式,包括觀看 PDF 檔的軟體 kpdf。

kpdf 的安全性修正 CVE-2005-3627 不完全,Red Hat 發布的 RHSA-2005:868 含有修正
不完整的 kdegraphics 套件。攻擊者特別設計的 PDF檔,可造成 kpdf 運作不正常或被
執行任意程式碼。CVE (cve.mitre.org) 已將這些問題命名為 CVE-2006-0746。

建議 kpdf 的使用者升級至此勘誤套件,內含可修正這些問題的修補程式。

──── 影響平台 ───────────────────────────────
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4 - i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop version 4 - i386, x86_64
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4 - i386, ia64, x86_64
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4 - i386, ia64, x86_64

──── 修正方式 ───────────────────────────────
在安裝更新之前,確定已安裝之前所有跟系統相關的錯誤修正。使用 Red Hat Network 來
下載及更新套件,輸入以下指令啟動 Red Hat Update Agent:


這將啟動一個互動的程序升級您系統上適當的 RPM。

已修正 Bug ID(詳見 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

184307 - CVE-2006-0746 kpdf buffer overflow

RPM 需求:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

e79b5a98bbceedf04652037eaf08b712 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm
0ac83c2dc0edfaed4049975bcdde8875 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm

e29d12dc045af9bba805a60c8348f839 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ppc.rpm
b9ea1232be57e9a1cd16816f1ff23dc1 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ppc.rpm

e4dd3d1e48c4c5cb1ef8c4176ce63af5 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.s390.rpm
6eea4a51102edc69754260551e973550 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.s390.rpm

efa16030f3945a7665559183d4fbb2c2 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.s390x.rpm
04e7d043636a7df2fe69c19f2f57ee99 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.s390x.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

e79b5a98bbceedf04652037eaf08b712 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm
0ac83c2dc0edfaed4049975bcdde8875 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

e79b5a98bbceedf04652037eaf08b712 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm
0ac83c2dc0edfaed4049975bcdde8875 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

這些套件基於安全理由,均由 Red Hat 公司使用 GPG 簽章,可至下列網址取得 key:

──── 影響結果 ───────────────────────────────

──── 聯絡TWCERT/CC ─────────────────────────────
Tel: 886-7-5250211 FAX: 886-7-5250212
886-2-23563303 886-2-23924082
Email: twcert@cert.org.tw
URL: http://www.cert.org.tw/
PGP key: http://www.cert.org.tw/eng/pgp.htm

附件:[Important: kdegraphics security update]

──── 原文 ─────────────────────────────────
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Moderate: python security update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2006:0197-01
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2006-0197.html
Issue date: 2006-03-09
Updated on: 2006-03-09
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
CVE Names: CVE-2005-2491
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Summary:

Updated Python packages are now available to correct a security issue.

This update has been rated as having moderate security impact by the Red
Hat Security Response Team.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (Advanced Server) version 2.1 - i386, ia64
Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 - ia64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 2.1 - i386
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 2.1 - i386
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3 - i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64
Red Hat Desktop version 3 - i386, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3 - i386, ia64, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3 - i386, ia64, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4 - i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop version 4 - i386, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4 - i386, ia64, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4 - i386, ia64, x86_64

3. Problem description:

Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.

An integer overflow flaw was found in Pythons PCRE library that could be
triggered by a maliciously crafted regular expression. On systems that
accept arbitrary regular expressions from untrusted users, this could be
exploited to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the application
using the library. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project
assigned the name CVE-2005-2491 to this issue.

Users of Python should upgrade to these updated packages, which contain a
backported patch that is not vulnerable to this issue.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via Red Hat Network. To use Red Hat Network,
launch the Red Hat Update Agent with the following command:


This will start an interactive process that will result in the appropriate
RPMs being upgraded on your system.

5. Bug IDs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

166335 - CVE-2005-2491 PCRE heap overflow

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS (Advanced Server) version 2.1:

73b95280ec62d80c3f008c279b48d8e1 python-1.5.2-43.72.1.src.rpm

0f61c0e64c1c55ba51995f7d4cd2041a python-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
109bda6f553ab2f1f7744c0d7c08f7c7 python-devel-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
5a0e085579668fc56f99d49ed9e24e27 python-docs-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
89e44bb7cee5d62528314681187a727c python-tools-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
92a1bd1a87f2c3a06bf076407cc9efe5 tkinter-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm

35440c0c7525d3538c9b85db25c85ba9 python-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
b2f0acf9206db13d53c9d6537ca38887 python-devel-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
044e2d59c10510eb14a76ec6eb595794 python-docs-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
36e36f4446cd8ee12e86ff1ff409c87b python-tools-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
f22c83beb9c706d5ba84407a6a5d9e81 tkinter-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm

Red Hat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1:

73b95280ec62d80c3f008c279b48d8e1 python-1.5.2-43.72.1.src.rpm

35440c0c7525d3538c9b85db25c85ba9 python-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
b2f0acf9206db13d53c9d6537ca38887 python-devel-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
044e2d59c10510eb14a76ec6eb595794 python-docs-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
36e36f4446cd8ee12e86ff1ff409c87b python-tools-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm
f22c83beb9c706d5ba84407a6a5d9e81 tkinter-1.5.2-43.72.1.ia64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 2.1:

73b95280ec62d80c3f008c279b48d8e1 python-1.5.2-43.72.1.src.rpm

0f61c0e64c1c55ba51995f7d4cd2041a python-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
109bda6f553ab2f1f7744c0d7c08f7c7 python-devel-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
5a0e085579668fc56f99d49ed9e24e27 python-docs-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
89e44bb7cee5d62528314681187a727c python-tools-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
92a1bd1a87f2c3a06bf076407cc9efe5 tkinter-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 2.1:

73b95280ec62d80c3f008c279b48d8e1 python-1.5.2-43.72.1.src.rpm

0f61c0e64c1c55ba51995f7d4cd2041a python-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
109bda6f553ab2f1f7744c0d7c08f7c7 python-devel-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
5a0e085579668fc56f99d49ed9e24e27 python-docs-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
89e44bb7cee5d62528314681187a727c python-tools-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm
92a1bd1a87f2c3a06bf076407cc9efe5 tkinter-1.5.2-43.72.1.i386.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3:

ea0a594a03ff35318f6a3d3bdd9a1ff2 python-2.2.3-6.2.src.rpm

46d0d18e436bb2bf42c34fb0da65cdf6 python-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
40e37a5986f7f88186ca468bcd974ba2 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
dd7a9164c3f54865af36131cb38bce80 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
841a5da3cd4c7d8a2c7ec0b497f73597 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm

f2814a1da58066eb9560f7900fa6292a python-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
88f6f071af2de3e2689e49db6b78bc34 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
d5abbc27fabe7ea02a4a9a26431ec48e python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
e8e347fda6ed101646699a878a2dc85e tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm

a0d56e413962137c52c2d4567354b992 python-2.2.3-6.2.ppc.rpm
ddcd62cb48ef70bd72ec9b760beb6a4c python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.ppc.rpm
4760085d9a3956ca198f15b7f60838c8 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.ppc.rpm
975f6d98e087c877510c7f2ca3f579b2 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.ppc.rpm

728864e38fdc365f3835c02059e36346 python-2.2.3-6.2.s390.rpm
3e7e29dbc7ecafa23e2c2a25aaecc2f9 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.s390.rpm
21dfae7a7ed849b31304246e4a88b397 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.s390.rpm
841f9571e4be7374dcc705b1fb4dba62 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.s390.rpm

057e717a9ad4b649cdc3c2fcd57168b7 python-2.2.3-6.2.s390x.rpm
12939bfd3893742f7f4fad01deb50c35 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.s390x.rpm
8f30447cafdace1e9428b3939240303f python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.s390x.rpm
1247bdca0ea840ba341ed7d997b7fb07 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.s390x.rpm

46fa69fbcd41b500462ae09f25a13b1a python-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
983cd05768622425281f641690a33391 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
4c7ff3fe321a79229c0e0dce72984d99 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
08deff0b89091c57f0144c5aaf927226 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Desktop version 3:

ea0a594a03ff35318f6a3d3bdd9a1ff2 python-2.2.3-6.2.src.rpm

46d0d18e436bb2bf42c34fb0da65cdf6 python-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
40e37a5986f7f88186ca468bcd974ba2 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
dd7a9164c3f54865af36131cb38bce80 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
841a5da3cd4c7d8a2c7ec0b497f73597 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm

46fa69fbcd41b500462ae09f25a13b1a python-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
983cd05768622425281f641690a33391 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
4c7ff3fe321a79229c0e0dce72984d99 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
08deff0b89091c57f0144c5aaf927226 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3:

ea0a594a03ff35318f6a3d3bdd9a1ff2 python-2.2.3-6.2.src.rpm

46d0d18e436bb2bf42c34fb0da65cdf6 python-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
40e37a5986f7f88186ca468bcd974ba2 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
dd7a9164c3f54865af36131cb38bce80 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
841a5da3cd4c7d8a2c7ec0b497f73597 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm

f2814a1da58066eb9560f7900fa6292a python-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
88f6f071af2de3e2689e49db6b78bc34 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
d5abbc27fabe7ea02a4a9a26431ec48e python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
e8e347fda6ed101646699a878a2dc85e tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm

46fa69fbcd41b500462ae09f25a13b1a python-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
983cd05768622425281f641690a33391 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
4c7ff3fe321a79229c0e0dce72984d99 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
08deff0b89091c57f0144c5aaf927226 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3:

ea0a594a03ff35318f6a3d3bdd9a1ff2 python-2.2.3-6.2.src.rpm

46d0d18e436bb2bf42c34fb0da65cdf6 python-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
40e37a5986f7f88186ca468bcd974ba2 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
dd7a9164c3f54865af36131cb38bce80 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm
841a5da3cd4c7d8a2c7ec0b497f73597 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.i386.rpm

f2814a1da58066eb9560f7900fa6292a python-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
88f6f071af2de3e2689e49db6b78bc34 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
d5abbc27fabe7ea02a4a9a26431ec48e python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm
e8e347fda6ed101646699a878a2dc85e tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.ia64.rpm

46fa69fbcd41b500462ae09f25a13b1a python-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
983cd05768622425281f641690a33391 python-devel-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
4c7ff3fe321a79229c0e0dce72984d99 python-tools-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm
08deff0b89091c57f0144c5aaf927226 tkinter-2.2.3-6.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4:

42246fb8585568f21ecf335026122cc6 python-2.3.4-14.2.src.rpm

df466645c2b9d03c10142dd42300c683 python-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
ab486a34fb5153be5d8b6412ead9920e python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
811a706ed8c3cfb9a0f9cdf202853143 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
3a062588a56a13ca30654d8a67bb97a3 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
fcdfa8bbaeb5050c016001b3fefe7cd6 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm

26c9831130c8626f38ae84e496f6cca9 python-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
2c5a9b6d51bce7e980169b709a1237da python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
2777ec9136a5c1c0110cb2f392e3ffa1 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
cb1232712381552d537f1c6083227b2a python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
4863fdbc3a593680bd0d73b51b9c7087 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm

5b394c4331164f44ca78e4765dcafa15 python-2.3.4-14.2.ppc.rpm
0b6dd3a7b075565c96311a0d1911b2f0 python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.ppc.rpm
7459f354f19a04d319782a2c36154f9e python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.ppc.rpm
8c89c25c09351e3bf4f65413a0a69a1e python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.ppc.rpm
b3df223f69f097ef61316196d17ddb89 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.ppc.rpm

133dcaf2d283fd4b30edffff334f438a python-2.3.4-14.2.s390.rpm
5e274bbe1038ef1e83685a73f7572db7 python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.s390.rpm
ca90dc87cd01cdde917db21af892e274 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.s390.rpm
f253e43910631e1c52f34b3cde491b8c python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.s390.rpm
31045fca98c7c5e43b13f6a1cfe3a1dc tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.s390.rpm

201785855ee123fb0acb668d01103569 python-2.3.4-14.2.s390x.rpm
800c98b7ad8d8de9ebe976acbf5f3a03 python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.s390x.rpm
585b25e9f5455b1d35844c45dead9a09 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.s390x.rpm
eb16cb00ab306f57d44142694c366811 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.s390x.rpm
16a1018ef58c4febe6df4992a81b5853 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.s390x.rpm

6dc9edca56b561260f537627d46638e1 python-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
3353ff1d1e4431840cd8494c3f5e1e1f python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
c7cf61a793b60840105b7e0cec85fbbe python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0a37ac1cc547a04030cd7125618bc639 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0356f53a411b0459c2aa84d9aadfcaef tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop version 4:

42246fb8585568f21ecf335026122cc6 python-2.3.4-14.2.src.rpm

df466645c2b9d03c10142dd42300c683 python-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
ab486a34fb5153be5d8b6412ead9920e python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
811a706ed8c3cfb9a0f9cdf202853143 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
3a062588a56a13ca30654d8a67bb97a3 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
fcdfa8bbaeb5050c016001b3fefe7cd6 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm

6dc9edca56b561260f537627d46638e1 python-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
3353ff1d1e4431840cd8494c3f5e1e1f python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
c7cf61a793b60840105b7e0cec85fbbe python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0a37ac1cc547a04030cd7125618bc639 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0356f53a411b0459c2aa84d9aadfcaef tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4:

42246fb8585568f21ecf335026122cc6 python-2.3.4-14.2.src.rpm

df466645c2b9d03c10142dd42300c683 python-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
ab486a34fb5153be5d8b6412ead9920e python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
811a706ed8c3cfb9a0f9cdf202853143 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
3a062588a56a13ca30654d8a67bb97a3 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
fcdfa8bbaeb5050c016001b3fefe7cd6 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm

26c9831130c8626f38ae84e496f6cca9 python-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
2c5a9b6d51bce7e980169b709a1237da python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
2777ec9136a5c1c0110cb2f392e3ffa1 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
cb1232712381552d537f1c6083227b2a python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
4863fdbc3a593680bd0d73b51b9c7087 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm

6dc9edca56b561260f537627d46638e1 python-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
3353ff1d1e4431840cd8494c3f5e1e1f python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
c7cf61a793b60840105b7e0cec85fbbe python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0a37ac1cc547a04030cd7125618bc639 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0356f53a411b0459c2aa84d9aadfcaef tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4:

42246fb8585568f21ecf335026122cc6 python-2.3.4-14.2.src.rpm

df466645c2b9d03c10142dd42300c683 python-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
ab486a34fb5153be5d8b6412ead9920e python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
811a706ed8c3cfb9a0f9cdf202853143 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
3a062588a56a13ca30654d8a67bb97a3 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm
fcdfa8bbaeb5050c016001b3fefe7cd6 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.i386.rpm

26c9831130c8626f38ae84e496f6cca9 python-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
2c5a9b6d51bce7e980169b709a1237da python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
2777ec9136a5c1c0110cb2f392e3ffa1 python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
cb1232712381552d537f1c6083227b2a python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm
4863fdbc3a593680bd0d73b51b9c7087 tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.ia64.rpm

6dc9edca56b561260f537627d46638e1 python-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
3353ff1d1e4431840cd8494c3f5e1e1f python-devel-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
c7cf61a793b60840105b7e0cec85fbbe python-docs-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0a37ac1cc547a04030cd7125618bc639 python-tools-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm
0356f53a411b0459c2aa84d9aadfcaef tkinter-2.3.4-14.2.x86_64.rpm

These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security. Our key and
details on how to verify the signature are available from

7. References:


8. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is . More contact
details at https://www.redhat.com/security/team/contact/

- ------------------------------

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:56:57 -0500
From: bugzilla@redhat.com
Subject: [RHSA-2006:0262-01] Important: kdegraphics security update
To: enterprise-watch-list@redhat.com
Message-ID: <200603092056.k29Kuwcd023409@porkchop.devel.redhat.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"

Hash: SHA1

- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Important: kdegraphics security update
Advisory ID: RHSA-2006:0262-01
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2006-0262.html
Issue date: 2006-03-09
Updated on: 2006-03-09
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Obsoletes: RHSA-2005:868
CVE Names: CVE-2006-0746
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Summary:

Updated kdegraphics packages that fully resolve a security issue in kpdf
are now available.

This update has been rated as having important security impact by the Red
Hat Security Response Team.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4 - i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop version 4 - i386, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4 - i386, ia64, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4 - i386, ia64, x86_64

3. Problem description:

The kdegraphics packages contain applications for the K Desktop Environment
including kpdf, a PDF file viewer.

Marcelo Ricardo Leitner discovered that a kpdf security fix, CVE-2005-3627,
was incomplete. Red Hat issued kdegraphics packages with this incomplete
fix in RHSA-2005:868. An attacker could construct a carefully crafted PDF
file that could cause kpdf to crash or possibly execute arbitrary code when
opened. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project assigned the name
CVE-2006-0746 to this issue.

Users of kpdf should upgrade to these updated packages, which contain a
backported patch to resolve this issue.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata
relevant to your system have been applied.

This update is available via Red Hat Network. To use Red Hat Network,
launch the Red Hat Update Agent with the following command:


This will start an interactive process that will result in the appropriate
RPMs being upgraded on your system.

5. Bug IDs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

184307 - CVE-2006-0746 kpdf buffer overflow

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

e79b5a98bbceedf04652037eaf08b712 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm
0ac83c2dc0edfaed4049975bcdde8875 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm

e29d12dc045af9bba805a60c8348f839 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ppc.rpm
b9ea1232be57e9a1cd16816f1ff23dc1 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ppc.rpm

e4dd3d1e48c4c5cb1ef8c4176ce63af5 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.s390.rpm
6eea4a51102edc69754260551e973550 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.s390.rpm

efa16030f3945a7665559183d4fbb2c2 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.s390x.rpm
04e7d043636a7df2fe69c19f2f57ee99 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.s390x.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

e79b5a98bbceedf04652037eaf08b712 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm
0ac83c2dc0edfaed4049975bcdde8875 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 4:

2122c40615954e8afc7f52a6f630885b kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.src.rpm

61262d041570015941825522d4c52d6f kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm
99a093aef5554bcb04ebd288938b8598 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.i386.rpm

e79b5a98bbceedf04652037eaf08b712 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm
0ac83c2dc0edfaed4049975bcdde8875 kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.ia64.rpm

9efeda23490049fea1957f07c340d9c8 kdegraphics-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm
c74d43b414e511e26e8b8d5f78e3cf0c kdegraphics-devel-3.3.1-3.9.x86_64.rpm

These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security. Our key and
details on how to verify the signature are available from

7. References:


8. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is . More contact
details at https://www.redhat.com/security/team/contact/
TW-CA-2006-032-[TA06-062A: Apple Mac Products are Affected by Multiple
──── 簡述 ─────────────────────────────────
蘋果電腦公司釋出的 2006-001 安全更新公告已解決數個在 Mac OS X、Mac OS X 伺服器
、Safari 瀏覽器,和其他多項產品上的重大漏洞。最嚴重的漏洞可能允許\遠端攻擊者執

──── 說明 ─────────────────────────────────
蘋果電腦公司釋出的 2006-001 安全更新公告已解決數個在 Mac OS X、Mac OS X 伺服器
、Safari 瀏覽器,和其他多項產品上的重大漏洞。詳細資訊可參考下列公告:

VU#999708 - 蘋果 Safari 瀏覽器自動執行任意 shell 指令或程式碼
蘋果 Safari 瀏覽器未能適當決定檔案安全,將可能導致遠端未經認證的攻擊者執行任意

VU#351217 - 蘋果 Safari 瀏覽器的 Webkit 組件存在緩衝區溢位的弱點
蘋果 Safari 瀏覽器的 Webkit 組件存在緩衝區溢位的弱點。該漏洞可能允許\遠端攻擊者

VU#176732 - 蘋果 Safari 瀏覽器的緩衝區溢位弱點
蘋果 Safari 瀏覽器存在堆疊式緩衝區溢位弱點。該漏洞可能允許\遠端攻擊者於受感染主

除上述所列之弱點外,亦請多留意蘋果電腦公司釋出的 2006-001 安全更新通知。
──── 影響平台 ───────────────────────────────
* Apple Mac OS X 10.3.9 版本(Panther) 和 10.4.5 版本(Tiger)
* Apple Mac OS X 伺服器 10.3.9 版本,和 10.4.5 版本
* Apple Safari 瀏覽器

Mac OX S 的先前版本亦有可能有影響。請參照蘋果電腦公司釋出的 2006-001 安全更新

──── 修正方式 ───────────────────────────────
安裝蘋果電腦公司 2006-001 安全更新公告上所描述之更新檔案。此外,這些更新檔案亦

──── 影響結果 ───────────────────────────────

──── 聯絡TWCERT/CC ─────────────────────────────
Tel: 886-7-5250211 FAX: 886-7-5250212
886-2-23563303 886-2-23924082
Email: twcert@cert.org.tw
URL: http://www.cert.org.tw/
PGP key: http://www.cert.org.tw/eng/pgp.htm

附件:[ Apple Mac Products are Affected by Multiple Vulnerabilities]

──── 原文 ─────────────────────────────────
Hash: SHA1

National Cyber Alert System

Technical Cyber Security Alert TA06-062A

Apple Mac Products are Affected by Multiple Vulnerabilities

Original release date: March 3, 2006
Last revised: --
Source: US-CERT

Systems Affected

* Apple Mac OS X version 10.3.9 (Panther) and version 10.4.5 (Tiger)
* Apple Mac OS X Server version 10.3.9 and version 10.4.5
* Apple Safari web browser

Previous versions of Mac OS X may also be affected.Please see Apple
Security Update 2006-001 for further information.


Apple has released Security Update 2006-001 to correct multiple
vulnerabilities affecting Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, Safari web
browser, and other products. The most serious of these vulnerabilities
may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code. Impacts of
other vulnerabilities include bypassing security restrictions and
denial of service.

I. Description

Apple Security Update 2006-001 resolves a number of vulnerabilities
affecting Mac OS X, OS X Server, Safari web browser, and other
products. Further details are available in the following Vulnerability

VU#999708 - Apple Safari automatically executes arbitrary shell
commands or code

Apple Safari fails to properly determine file safety, allowing a
remote unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary commands or code.

VU#351217 - Apple Safari WebKit component vulnerable to buffer

Apple Safari WebKit component is vulnerable to buffer overflow. This
vulnerability may allow are remote attacker to execute arbitrary code
or cause a denial-of-service condition.

VU#176732 - Apple Safari vulnerable to buffer overflow

Apple Safari is vulnerable to a stack-based buffer overflow. This
vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on
a vulnerable system.

Please note that Apple Security Update 2006-001 addresses additional
vulnerabilities not described above. As further information becomes
available, we will publish individual Vulnerability Notes. In
addition, more information about VU#999708 is available in US-CERT
Technical Cyber Security Alert TA06-053A.

II. Impact

The impacts of these vulnerabilities vary. For information about
specific impacts, please see the Vulnerability Notes. Potential
consequences include remote execution of arbitrary code or commands,
bypass of security restrictions, and denial of service.

III. Solution

Install an update

Install the update as described in Apple Security Update 2006-001. In
addition, this update is available via Apple Update.

Appendix A. References

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#999708 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#351217 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#176732 -

* US-CERT Technical Cyber Security Alert TA06-053A -

* Securing Your Web Browser -

* Apple Security Update 2006-001 -

* Mac OS X: Updating your software -


The most recent version of this document can be found at:


Feedback can be directed to US-CERT Technical Staff. Please send
email to with \"TA06-062A Feedback VU#351217\" in the

For instructions on subscribing to or unsubscribing from this
mailing list, visit .

Produced 2006 by US-CERT, a government organization.

Terms of use:


Revision History

March 3, 2006: Initial release
TW-CA-2006-037-[TA06-073A: Microsoft Office and Excel Vulnerabilities]
──── 簡述 ─────────────────────────────────
微軟已釋出其於 office 以及 Excel 軟體上的重大弱點更新。若成功\利用這些弱點可能

──── 說明 ─────────────────────────────────
微軟於 2006 年 3 月之安全性公告摘錄了其在 office 及 Excel 上之弱點。若欲得知更詳
細資訊請參考 US-CERT 的弱點公告:

VU#339878 - 微軟 Excel 在處理解析格式時之變形會造成記憶體損毀
微軟 Excel 有一個記憶體損毀的弱點存在。該弱點可能導致遠端執行者可在受害主機上執

VU#104302 - 微軟 Excel 的變形資料可能有記憶體損毀弱點存在
微軟 Excel 未適當檢查資料的有效性。該弱點可能導致遠端執行者可在受害主機上執行任

VU#123222 - 微軟 Excel 變形圖檔引起的記憶體損毀漏洞
微軟 Excel 未適當檢查圖形資料的有效性。該弱點可能導致遠端執行者可在受害主機上執

VU#235774 - 微軟 Excel 變形描述引起的記憶體損毀漏洞
微軟 Excel 未適當檢查描述欄位的有效性。該弱點可能導致遠端執行者可在受害主機上執

VU#642428 - 微軟 Excel 於解析檔案時,未適當處理有效範圍的弱點
微軟 Excel 存在一個範圍驗證的弱點,將可能導致遠端未經授權攻擊者於受害主機上執行

VU#682820 - 微軟 office 上 routing slip 的緩衝區溢位問題
微軟 office 於解析 routing slip 存在一個緩衝區溢位問題,將可能導致遠端攻擊者於受

──── 影響平台 ───────────────────────────────
* Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac OS X
* Microsoft Excel for Windows and Mac OS X
* Microsoft Works Suite for Windows

欲得知更完整資訊,請參考微軟於 2006 年 3 月發佈之安全性公告。

──── 修正方式 ───────────────────────────────

請參考如下之 US-CERT 安全佈告以進行修補

──── 影響結果 ───────────────────────────────

──── 聯絡TWCERT/CC ─────────────────────────────
Tel: 886-7-5250211 FAX: 886-7-5250212
886-2-23563303 886-2-23924082
Email: twcert@cert.org.tw
URL: http://www.cert.org.tw/
PGP key: http://www.cert.org.tw/eng/pgp.htm

附件:[ Microsoft Office and Excel Vulnerabilities Precedence: list]

──── 原文 ─────────────────────────────────
Hash: SHA1

National Cyber Alert System

Technical Cyber Security Alert TA06-073A

Microsoft Office and Excel Vulnerabilities

Original release date: March 14, 2006
Last revised: --
Source: US-CERT

Systems Affected

* Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac OS X
* Microsoft Excel for Windows and Mac OS X
* Microsoft Works Suite for Windows

For more complete information, refer to the Microsoft Security
Bulletin Summary for March 2006.


Microsoft has released updates that address critical vulnerabilities
in Microsoft Office and Excel. Exploitation of these vulnerabilities
could allow a remote, unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary
code or cause a denial of service on a vulnerable system.

I. Description

Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for March 2006 addresses
vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office and Excel. Further information is
available in the following US-CERT Vulnerability Notes:

VU#339878 - Microsoft Excel malformed parsing format file memory
corruption vulnerability

Microsoft Excel contains a memory corruption vulnerability. This
vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on
a vulnerable system.

VU#104302 - Microsoft Excel malformed record memory corruption

Microsoft Excel fails to properly validate records. This vulnerability
may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on a vulnerable

VU#123222 - Microsoft Excel malformed graphic memory corruption

Microsoft Excel fails to properly validate graphics. This
vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on
a vulnerable system.

VU#235774 - Microsoft Excel malformed description memory corruption

Microsoft Excel fails to properly validate the description field. This
vulnerability may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on
a vulnerable system.

VU#642428 - Microsoft Excel fails to properly perform range validation
when parsing document files

Microsoft Excel contains an error in range validation, which may allow
a remote unauthenticated, attacker to execute arbitrary code on a
vulnerable system.

VU#682820 - Microsoft Office routing slip buffer overflow

Microsoft Office contains a buffer overflow in the parsing of routing
slips, which may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a
vulnerable system.

II. Impact

A remote, unauthenticated attacker could execute arbitrary code with
the privileges of the user. If the user is logged on with
administrative privileges, the attacker could take complete control of
an affected system. An attacker may also be able to cause a denial of

III. Solution

Apply Updates

Microsoft has provided the updates for these vulnerabilities in the
Security Bulletins and on the Microsoft Update site.


Please see the following US-CERT Vulnerability Notes for workarounds.

Appendix A. References

* Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for March 2006 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#339878 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#104302 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#123222 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#235774 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#642428 -

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#682820 -

* CVE-2005-4131 -

* CVE-2006-0009 -

* CVE-2006-0028 -

* CVE-2006-0029 -

* CVE-2006-0030 -

* CVE-2006-0031 -

* Microsoft Update -


The most recent version of this document can be found at:


Feedback can be directed to US-CERT Technical Staff. Please send
email to with \"TA06-073A Feedback VU#339878\" in the

For instructions on subscribing to or unsubscribing from this
mailing list, visit .

Produced 2006 by US-CERT, a government organization.

Terms of use:


Revision History

March 14, 2006: Initial release
TW-CA-2006-036-[RHSA-2006:0144-01: Updated kernel packages available for Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 7]
分類:Dos,Gain Privilege,Info Leak
──── 簡述 ─────────────────────────────────
更新 kernel 套件,為針對 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 持續支援與維護的一部分。

本安全通報被 Red Hat Security Response Team 列為中等安全影響。

──── 說明 ─────────────────────────────────
Linux kernel 處理作業系統的基本功\能。
這是 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 第七次定期核心更新。

-- 增加 bnx2, dell_rbu, and megaraid_sas 驅動程式。
-- 支援多核心、多執行緒的 Intel Itanium 處理器。
-- 升級 SATA subsystem 使其能支援 ATAPI 與 SMART。
-- 透過新的 numa_memory_allocator、arp_announce 與 printk_ratelimit
選擇調整核心參數設定值 (sysctls)。

核心中不同部份有許\多 bug fix,對於解決這些問題的持續性努力讓 Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 3 在可靠度與延展性帶來顯著的改善。

下面將詳細列出許\多驅動程式更新與安全性修正,本次更新中其他受 bug fix 影響的主要
部分包括:網路子系統、VM 子系統、NPTL handling、autofs4、USB 系統、CPU
enumeration 以及在 64-bit 的機器上處理 32-bit-exec-mode。


aacraid -------- 1.1.5-2412
bnx2 ----------- 1.4.30 (new)
dell_rbu ------- 2.1 (new)
e1000 ---------- 6.1.16-k3
emulex --------- 7.3.3
fusion ---------
ipmi ----------- 35.11
megaraid2 ------ v2.10.10.1
megaraid_sas --- (new)
tg3 ------------ 3.43RH


- gzip/zlib 處理核心內部存在的漏洞,允許\本地端使用者造成阻斷服務攻擊。
- ext3 EA/ACL 處理 attribute sharing 存在的漏洞,允許\本地端使用者取得權限。
- get_thread_area() 系統呼叫的輕微資訊洩漏,允許\本地端使用者檢視未初始化的核心


建議所有 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 使用者升級相對應的 kernel 套件,如此即不受

──── 影響平台 ───────────────────────────────
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3 - i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64
‧Red Hat Desktop version 3 - i386, x86_64
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3 - i386, ia64, x86_64
‧Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3 - i386, ia64, x86_64

──── 修正方式 ───────────────────────────────
在安裝更新之前,確定已安裝之前所有跟系統相關的錯誤修正。使用 Red Hat Network 來
下載及更新套件,輸入以下指令啟動 Red Hat Update Agent:


這將啟動一個互動的程序升級您系統上適當的 RPM。

已修正 Bug ID(詳見 http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

112004 - pppd receives error \"Couldn\'t get channel number: bad address\"
112066 - RHEL3 U5: Support for SATA features of ICH6R (for U3, AHCI only)
117067 - RHEL3 U3: ICH6 SATA support in ACHI mode
122256 - RHEL3 U6: SATA ATAPI support (HW)
125642 - kernel\'s Makefile not suited for long directory paths
128015 - RHEL3 U4: SATA AHCI (ICH6)
129265 - kernel panic when repeatedly accessing /proc/bus/usb/devices and
hot-swapping usb device
130387 - Processes with Large memory requirment causes swap usage with free
memory is present.
130489 - kernel kills db2 processes because of OOM error on RHEL Update2 and
130712 - RHEL3 U7: Add SMART capabilities to libata.
131295 - Hugepages configured on kernel boot line causes x86_64 kernel boot to
fail with OOM.
132547 - oops when \"scsi add-single-device\" sent to /proc/scsi/scsi using aic7
134506 - [RHEL3 U3] kernel BUG at exit.c:620!
136583 - LTC18371- [RHEL3 U4]cpu_sibling_map[] is incorrect on x445/x440
137101 - \'noht\' does not work for ia32e
137344 - Cannot disable hyperthreading on x86_64 platform
137998 - autofs removes leading path components of /net mounts on timeout
138730 - LTC12369-In RHEL 3 U4 -- top command gave segmentation fault
142579 - Viper: install kernel panics on DP system with 4GB all on cpu#2
144033 - [RHEL3] poll() seems to ignore large timeout
145596 - SMART support in SATA driver
146663 - pl2303 kernel module doesn\'t work with \'Aten UC-232A\'
147870 - O_DIRECT to sparse areas of files give incomplete writes
150559 - Can\'t install RHEL3 on system with Adaptec AAR 1210SA SATA controller
(sata_sil - siimage problem)
152103 - RHEL3 U5: rhgb-client shows illegal instruction and fails.
152650 - aacraid driver in RHEL 3 U4 em64t causes kernel panic
154028 - megaraid2 driver causes panic if loaded for a second time
154385 - Crash on relocated automounts with --bind
156396 - System crash when dump or tar 64k blocksize to tape from raid
156397 - LTC13414-32-bit ping6 on 64-bit kernel not working
156645 - [RHEL3 U5] fails to boot installer on multiple platforms
156987 - FEAT: RHEL3 U5: need hint pause in ia64 spinloops
156988 - FEAT RHEL3 U7 IPF - performance improvement for the system which CPEI
occur continuously.
156999 - RHEL 3 U6: Support for cache identification through \'Deterministic
Cache Parameters\' [cpuid(4)]
157006 - [ CRM 488904 ] driver update for Adaptec 2410SA needed (1.1.5-2361 > 1.
1.5-2371 or higher)
158819 - RHEL3 does not support USBDEVFS 32-bit ioctls on x86_64
158821 - Advanced server 3 ARP timeout messages
159326 - RSS limited to 1.8GB if process pinned to one CPU
159523 - [RHEL3] Does not boot on system with ACPI table crossing page boundary
159874 - [RHEL 3 U5] adding hotplug drive causes kernel panic
159977 - [RHEL3] vi --- files getting deleted
160009 - agpgart will not load for kernel 2.4.21-32 on tyan S2885 motherboard
with AMD-8151 agp tunnel
160337 - Keyboard \"jammed\" during smp runlevel 5 boot on IBM HS20-8843
160539 - [RHEL3] hidden bomb of kmap_atomic/kunmap_atomic bug?
161056 - CVE-2005-2801 Lost ACLs on ext3
161160 - Reproducable panic in mdadm multipathing
161188 - Sometimes data/bss can be executable
161336 - xserver issue on blade center
161866 - Race condition accessing PCI config space
161875 - autofs doesn\'t remount if nfs server is unreachable at expire time
162065 - aacraid driver hangs if Adaptec 2230SLP array not optimal
162212 - st causes system hang and kernel panic when writing to tape on x86_64
162271 - Problem with b44: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot allocate memory
162417 - (VM) Excessive swapping when free memory is ample
162683 - [RHEL3 and RHEL2.1] ps command core dump
162735 - LTC8356-LSB runtime testcase T.c_oflag_X failed [PATCH]
163176 - Endless loop printing traceback during kernel OOPs
163184 - Explain why the SCSI inquiry is not being returned from the sd for
nearly 5 minutes
163239 - [RHEL3] change_page_attr may set _PAGE_NX for kernel code pages
163307 - LTC13178-panic on i5 - sys_ppc32.c 32 bit sys_recvmsg corrupting kernel
data structures
163381 - RHEL3U5 x86-64 : xw9300 & numa=on swaps behaviour is unexpected
163901 - FEAT: RHEL3 U6: ia64 multi-core and multi-threading detection
163929 - [RHEL3] [x86_64/ia64] sys_time and sys_gettimeofday disagree
164206 - U5 beta encounters NMI watchdog on Celestica Quartet with 4 Opteron 875
164304 - [RHEL3 U5] __wtd_down_from_wakeup not in EL3 ia64 tree
164438 - LTC12403-CMVC482920:I/O errors caused by eeh error injection-drive
164580 - NFS lockd deadlock
164795 - /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-32.EL/Documentation/networking/e100.txt contians
bad info
164828 - RHEL 3 - request to add bnx2 driver
165006 - acct does not have Large File Support
165119 - FEAT RHEL3U7: Need Intel e1000 driver update for the Dell Ophir/Rimon
based PCI-E NICs
165364 - SMP kernel does not honor boot parameter \"noht\"
165412 - [RHEL3] The system hangs when SysRq + c is pressed
165453 - Panic after ENXIO with usb-uhci
165475 - Problem removing a USB device
165680 - CVE-2005-2458 gzip/zlib flaws
165825 - Inquiry (sg) command hang after a write to tape with mptscsi driver
165989 - The msync(MS_SYNC) call should fail after cable pulled from scsi disk
166345 - HA NFS Cluster Problem
166363 - cciss disk dump hangs if module is ever unloaded/reloaded
166364 - Erratic behaviour when system fd limit reached
166578 - aacraid driver needs to be updated to support IBM ServeRAID 8i
166583 - aacraid driver needs to be updated to support IBM ServeRAID 8i
166600 - CRM619504: setrlimit RLIMIT_FSIZE limited to 32-bit values, even on 64-
bit kernels
166669 - [RHEL3 U5] waitpid() returns unexpected ECHILD
167674 - RHEL3: need updated forcedeth.o driver?
167800 - CRM648268: kernel reporting init process cutime as very large negative
167942 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: Need \'bnx2\' driver inclusion to support Broadcom 5708C
B0 NIC and 5708S BO LOM
168226 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: LSI megaraid_sas driver
168293 - Potential netconsole regression in transmit path
168315 - LTC17567-Fields \'system_potential_processor\' and
\'partition_max_entiteled_capacity\' fields are missing from lparcfg file
168358 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: ipmi driver speedup patch
168359 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: ipmi_poweroff driver update for Dell <8G servers
168390 - Large O_DIRECT write will hang system (MPT fusion)
168392 - kill -6 of multi-threaded application takes 30 minutes to finish
168474 - FEAT RHEL3-U7: Support for HT1000 IDE chipset needed
168541 - RHEL3 U7: x86_64: Remove unique APIC/IO-APIC ID check
168581 - RH EL 3 U7: add support for Broadcom 5714 and 5715C NICs
168597 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: add dell_rbu driver for Dell BIOS updates
168603 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: Need TG3 update to support Broadcom 5721 C1 stepping
168681 - kernel BUG at page_alloc.c:391!
168780 - CVE-2005-3276 sys_get_thread_area minor info leak
168795 - RHEL3U7: ipmi driver fix for PE2650
168896 - LSI MegaRAID RHEL3 Feature - Updated SCSI driver submission
169230 - nfs client: handle long symlinks properly
169294 - [RHEL3 U6] __copy_user/memcpy causes random kernel panic on IA-64
169393 - CRM# 685278 scsi scan not seeing all luns when one lun removed
169511 - [RHEL3] \'getpriority/setpriority\' broken with PRIO_USER, who=0
169662 - [RHEL3 U5] Performance problem while extracting tarballs on Fujitsu
Siemens Computing D1409, Adaptec S30 array, connected to an aacraid controller.
169992 - LTC18779-Lost dirty bit in kernel memory managment [PATCH]
170429 - RHEL-3: \'physical id\' field in /proc/cpuinfo incorrect on AMD-64
170440 - [RHEL3 U5] Kernel crashing, multiple panics in aacraid driver
170446 - [RHEL3 U7] netdump hangs in processing of CPU stop after diskdump
170529 - LTC17955-82222: Support for Serverworks chipset HT2000 Ethernet Driver
(BCM5700 & TG3)
170561 - Broadcom 5706/5708 support
170633 - System Stops responding with \"queue 6 full\" messages
171129 - RedHat / XW9300 / system panic when logout from GNOME with USB mouse
171377 - LTC18818-pfault interupt race
172233 - rename(2) onto an empty directory fails on NFS file systems
172334 - Invalid message \'Aieee!!! Remote IRR still set after unlock\'
172664 - Updated header file with modified author permissions
173280 - New icache prune export
174005 - Update Emulex lpfc driver for RHEL 3
175017 - Assertion failed! idx >=
175154 - [RHEL3 U6] IOs hang in __wait_on_buffer when segments > 170
175211 - Multicast domain membership doesn\'t follow bonding failover
175365 - LTC19816-Cannot see a concho adapter on U7 kernel
175624 - [RHEL3 U7 PATCH] LSI PCI Express chips to operate properly
175625 - [RHEL3 U7] x86-64: Can\'t boot with 16 logical processors
175767 - Installer appears to hang when loading mptbase module
176264 - x366 NMI error logged in infinite loop - [crm#769552] Possible
regression U7 beta
177023 - CRM 724200: when an active USB serial port device is removed, the
system panics and locks up.
177573 - autofs doesn\'t attempt to remount failed mount points
177691 - negative dentry caching causes long delay when dentry becomes valid
179168 - RHEL3U7Beta-32: Booting/Installing with SATA ATAPI Optical panics

RPM 需求:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

33b14be75af35da7f94a563221eacc38 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
2b2bc1f22c92a4fe7f71e3968d813b78 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
49362afb80039e121aebe71eb5241324 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
ccbc19bdd003091f169a81785f4a4c9f kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm

0c884c5fe5e68a6cca7c3e231c76acf1 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64iseries.rpm
727ba8f6af1e68e5273de1ac5d3a9171 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64pseries.rpm
db8ff98e0171858cc05844054b41acdb kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64.rpm
4ce9594cc5ed4d04377dbab4c5311ab8 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64.rpm

0e7dba799a5ed476da0da336e7625e16 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm
dc94a3fdb3835f8048809f555c890610 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm
5e6eb60def92b2868e8239c792e48494 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm
f9fa02a27db6f9965e4a0ba5f47ea649 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm

b50d69f24f9a62f849166f1ccd13ca9b kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm
37d3e304a14f3d242d9039a322540cc7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm
a86d006944328ae7e367a9a8c2ef3047 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm
b0421eb10246317025cde9f58615a81b kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Desktop version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

33b14be75af35da7f94a563221eacc38 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
2b2bc1f22c92a4fe7f71e3968d813b78 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
49362afb80039e121aebe71eb5241324 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
ccbc19bdd003091f169a81785f4a4c9f kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

33b14be75af35da7f94a563221eacc38 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
2b2bc1f22c92a4fe7f71e3968d813b78 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
49362afb80039e121aebe71eb5241324 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
ccbc19bdd003091f169a81785f4a4c9f kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

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附件:[Updated kernel packages available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update

──── 原文 ─────────────────────────────────
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Updated kernel packages available for Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 3 Update 7
Advisory ID: RHSA-2006:0144-01
Advisory URL: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2006-0144.html
Issue date: 2006-03-15
Updated on: 2006-03-15
Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Obsoletes: RHSA-2006:0140
CVE Names: CVE-2005-2458 CVE-2005-2801 CVE-2005-3276
- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Summary:

Updated kernel packages are now available as part of ongoing support and
maintenance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 3. This is the seventh
regular update.

This security advisory has been rated as having moderate security impact
by the Red Hat Security Response Team.

2. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3 - i386, ia64, ppc, s390, s390x, x86_64
Red Hat Desktop version 3 - i386, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3 - i386, ia64, x86_64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3 - i386, ia64, x86_64

3. Problem description:

The Linux kernel handles the basic functions of the operating system.

This is the seventh regular kernel update to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.

New features introduced by this update include:

- addition of the bnx2, dell_rbu, and megaraid_sas device drivers
- support for multi-core, multi-threaded Intel Itanium processors
- upgrade of the SATA subsystem to include ATAPI and SMART support
- optional tuning via the new numa_memory_allocator, arp_announce,
and printk_ratelimit sysctls

There were many bug fixes in various parts of the kernel. The ongoing
effort to resolve these problems has resulted in a marked improvement in
the reliability and scalability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.

There were numerous driver updates and security fixes (elaborated below).
Other key areas affected by fixes in this update include the networking
subsystem, the VM subsystem, NPTL handling, autofs4, the USB subsystem,
CPU enumeration, and 32-bit-exec-mode handling on 64-bit architectures.

The following device drivers have been upgraded to new versions:

aacraid -------- 1.1.5-2412
bnx2 ----------- 1.4.30 (new)
dell_rbu ------- 2.1 (new)
e1000 ---------- 6.1.16-k3
emulex --------- 7.3.3
fusion ---------
ipmi ----------- 35.11
megaraid2 ------ v2.10.10.1
megaraid_sas --- (new)
tg3 ------------ 3.43RH

The following security bugs were fixed in this update:

- a flaw in gzip/zlib handling internal to the kernel that allowed
a local user to cause a denial of service (crash)

- a flaw in ext3 EA/ACL handling of attribute sharing that allowed
a local user to gain privileges (CVE-2005-2801, moderate)

- a minor info leak with the get_thread_area() syscall that allowed
a local user to view uninitialized kernel stack data
(CVE-2005-3276, low)

Note: The kernel-unsupported package contains various drivers and modules
that are unsupported and therefore might contain security problems that
have not been addressed.

All Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 users are advised to upgrade their
kernels to the packages associated with their machine architectures
and configurations as listed in this erratum.

4. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure that all previously released
errata relevant to your system have been applied. Use Red Hat
Network to download and update your packages. To launch the Red Hat
Update Agent, use the following command:


For information on how to install packages manually, refer to the
following Web page for the System Administration or Customization
guide specific to your system:


5. Bug IDs fixed (http://bugzilla.redhat.com/):

112004 - pppd receives error \"Couldn get channel number: bad address\"
112066 - RHEL3 U5: Support for SATA features of ICH6R (for U3, AHCI only)
117067 - RHEL3 U3: ICH6 SATA support in ACHI mode
122256 - RHEL3 U6: SATA ATAPI support (HW)
125642 - kernels Makefile not suited for long directory paths
128015 - RHEL3 U4: SATA AHCI (ICH6)
129265 - kernel panic when repeatedly accessing /proc/bus/usb/devices and
hot-swapping usb device
130387 - Processes with Large memory requirment causes swap usage with free
memory is present.
130489 - kernel kills db2 processes because of OOM error on RHEL Update2 and
130712 - RHEL3 U7: Add SMART capabilities to libata.
131295 - Hugepages configured on kernel boot line causes x86_64 kernel boot to
fail with OOM.
132547 - oops when \"scsi add-single-device\" sent to /proc/scsi/scsi using aic7
134506 - [RHEL3 U3] kernel BUG at exit.c:620!
136583 - LTC18371- [RHEL3 U4]cpu_sibling_map[] is incorrect on x445/x440
137101 -
oht does not work for ia32e
137344 - Cannot disable hyperthreading on x86_64 platform
137998 - autofs removes leading path components of /net mounts on timeout
138730 - LTC12369-In RHEL 3 U4 -- top command gave segmentation fault
142579 - Viper: install kernel panics on DP system with 4GB all on cpu#2
144033 - [RHEL3] poll() seems to ignore large timeout
145596 - SMART support in SATA driver
146663 - pl2303 kernel module doesn work with Aten UC-232A
147870 - O_DIRECT to sparse areas of files give incomplete writes
150559 - Can install RHEL3 on system with Adaptec AAR 1210SA SATA
controller (sata_sil - siimage problem)
152103 - RHEL3 U5: rhgb-client shows illegal instruction and fails.
152650 - aacraid driver in RHEL 3 U4 em64t causes kernel panic
154028 - megaraid2 driver causes panic if loaded for a second time
154385 - Crash on relocated automounts with --bind
156396 - System crash when dump or tar 64k blocksize to tape from raid
156397 - LTC13414-32-bit ping6 on 64-bit kernel not working
156645 - [RHEL3 U5] fails to boot installer on multiple platforms
156987 - FEAT: RHEL3 U5: need hint@pause in ia64 spinloops
156988 - FEAT RHEL3 U7 IPF - performance improvement for the system which CPEI
occur continuously.
156999 - RHEL 3 U6: Support for cache identification through Deterministic Cache
Parameters [cpuid(4)]
157006 - [ CRM 488904 ] driver update for Adaptec 2410SA needed (1.1.5-2361 > 1.
1.5-2371 or higher)
158819 - RHEL3 does not support USBDEVFS 32-bit ioctls on x86_64
158821 - Advanced server 3 ARP timeout messages
159326 - RSS limited to 1.8GB if process pinned to one CPU
159523 - [RHEL3] Does not boot on system with ACPI table crossing page boundary
159874 - [RHEL 3 U5] adding hotplug drive causes kernel panic
159977 - [RHEL3] vi --- files getting deleted
160009 - agpgart will not load for kernel 2.4.21-32 on tyan S2885 motherboard
with AMD-8151 agp tunnel
160337 - Keyboard \"jammed\" during smp runlevel 5 boot on IBM HS20-8843
160539 - [RHEL3] hidden bomb of kmap_atomic/kunmap_atomic bug?
161056 - CVE-2005-2801 Lost ACLs on ext3
161160 - Reproducable panic in mdadm multipathing
161188 - Sometimes data/bss can be executable
161336 - xserver issue on blade center
161866 - Race condition accessing PCI config space
161875 - autofs doesn remount if nfs server is unreachable at expire
162065 - aacraid driver hangs if Adaptec 2230SLP array not optimal
162212 - st causes system hang and kernel panic when writing to tape on x86_64
162271 - Problem with b44: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot allocate memory
162417 - (VM) Excessive swapping when free memory is ample
162683 - [RHEL3 and RHEL2.1] ps command core dump
162735 - LTC8356-LSB runtime testcase T.c_oflag_X failed [PATCH]
163176 - Endless loop printing traceback during kernel OOPs
163184 - Explain why the SCSI inquiry is not being returned from the sd for
nearly 5 minutes
163239 - [RHEL3] change_page_attr may set _PAGE_NX for kernel code pages
163307 - LTC13178-panic on i5 - sys_ppc32.c 32 bit sys_recvmsg corrupting kernel
data structures
163381 - RHEL3U5 x86-64 : xw9300 & numa=on swaps behaviour is unexpected
163901 - FEAT: RHEL3 U6: ia64 multi-core and multi-threading detection
163929 - [RHEL3] [x86_64/ia64] sys_time and sys_gettimeofday disagree
164206 - U5 beta encounters NMI watchdog on Celestica Quartet with 4 Opteron 875
164304 - [RHEL3 U5] __wtd_down_from_wakeup not in EL3 ia64 tree
164438 - LTC12403-CMVC482920:I/O errors caused by eeh error injection-drive
164580 - NFS lockd deadlock
164795 - /usr/src/linux-2.4.21-32.EL/Documentation/networking/e100.txt contians
bad info
164828 - RHEL 3 - request to add bnx2 driver
165006 - acct does not have Large File Support
165119 - FEAT RHEL3U7: Need Intel e1000 driver update for the Dell Ophir/Rimon
based PCI-E NICs
165364 - SMP kernel does not honor boot parameter \"noht\"
165412 - [RHEL3] The system hangs when SysRq + c is pressed
165453 - Panic after ENXIO with usb-uhci
165475 - Problem removing a USB device
165680 - CVE-2005-2458 gzip/zlib flaws
165825 - Inquiry (sg) command hang after a write to tape with mptscsi driver
165989 - The msync(MS_SYNC) call should fail after cable pulled from scsi disk
166345 - HA NFS Cluster Problem
166363 - cciss disk dump hangs if module is ever unloaded/reloaded
166364 - Erratic behaviour when system fd limit reached
166578 - aacraid driver needs to be updated to support IBM ServeRAID 8i
166583 - aacraid driver needs to be updated to support IBM ServeRAID 8i
166600 - CRM619504: setrlimit RLIMIT_FSIZE limited to 32-bit values, even on 64-
bit kernels
166669 - [RHEL3 U5] waitpid() returns unexpected ECHILD
167674 - RHEL3: need updated forcedeth.o driver?
167800 - CRM648268: kernel reporting init process cutime as very large negative
167942 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: Need nx2 driver inclusion to support Broadcom 5708C B0
NIC and 5708S BO LOM
168226 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: LSI megaraid_sas driver
168293 - Potential netconsole regression in transmit path
168315 - LTC17567-Fields system_potential_processor and partition_max_entiteled_
capacity fields are missing from lparcfg file
168358 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: ipmi driver speedup patch
168359 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: ipmi_poweroff driver update for Dell <8G servers
168390 - Large O_DIRECT write will hang system (MPT fusion)
168392 - kill -6 of multi-threaded application takes 30 minutes to finish
168474 - FEAT RHEL3-U7: Support for HT1000 IDE chipset needed
168541 - RHEL3 U7: x86_64: Remove unique APIC/IO-APIC ID check
168581 - RH EL 3 U7: add support for Broadcom 5714 and 5715C NICs
168597 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: add dell_rbu driver for Dell BIOS updates
168603 - FEAT RHEL3 U7: Need TG3 update to support Broadcom 5721 C1 stepping
168681 - kernel BUG at page_alloc.c:391!
168780 - CVE-2005-3276 sys_get_thread_area minor info leak
168795 - RHEL3U7: ipmi driver fix for PE2650
168896 - LSI MegaRAID RHEL3 Feature - Updated SCSI driver submission
169230 - nfs client: handle long symlinks properly
169294 - [RHEL3 U6] __copy_user/memcpy causes random kernel panic on IA-64
169393 - CRM# 685278 scsi scan not seeing all luns when one lun removed
169511 - [RHEL3] getpriority/setpriority broken with PRIO_USER, who=0
169662 - [RHEL3 U5] Performance problem while extracting tarballs on Fujitsu
Siemens Computing D1409, Adaptec S30 array, connected to an aacraid controller.
169992 - LTC18779-Lost dirty bit in kernel memory managment [PATCH]
170429 - RHEL-3: physical id field in /proc/cpuinfo incorrect on AMD-64 hosts
170440 - [RHEL3 U5] Kernel crashing, multiple panics in aacraid driver
170446 - [RHEL3 U7] netdump hangs in processing of CPU stop after diskdump
170529 - LTC17955-82222: Support for Serverworks chipset HT2000 Ethernet Driver
(BCM5700 & TG3)
170561 - Broadcom 5706/5708 support
170633 - System Stops responding with \"queue 6 full\" messages
171129 - RedHat / XW9300 / system panic when logout from GNOME with USB mouse
171377 - LTC18818-pfault interupt race
172233 - rename(2) onto an empty directory fails on NFS file systems
172334 - Invalid message Aieee!!! Remote IRR still set after unlock
172664 - Updated header file with modified author permissions
173280 - New icache prune export
174005 - Update Emulex lpfc driver for RHEL 3
175017 - Assertion failed! idx >=
175154 - [RHEL3 U6] IOs hang in __wait_on_buffer when segments > 170
175211 - Multicast domain membership doesn follow bonding failover
175365 - LTC19816-Cannot see a concho adapter on U7 kernel
175624 - [RHEL3 U7 PATCH] LSI PCI Express chips to operate properly
175625 - [RHEL3 U7] x86-64: Can boot with 16 logical processors
175767 - Installer appears to hang when loading mptbase module
176264 - x366 NMI error logged in infinite loop - [crm#769552] Possible
regression U7 beta
177023 - CRM 724200: when an active USB serial port device is removed, the
system panics and locks up.
177573 - autofs doesn attempt to remount failed mount points
177691 - negative dentry caching causes long delay when dentry becomes valid
179168 - RHEL3U7Beta-32: Booting/Installing with SATA ATAPI Optical panics

6. RPMs required:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

33b14be75af35da7f94a563221eacc38 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
2b2bc1f22c92a4fe7f71e3968d813b78 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
49362afb80039e121aebe71eb5241324 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
ccbc19bdd003091f169a81785f4a4c9f kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm

0c884c5fe5e68a6cca7c3e231c76acf1 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64iseries.rpm
727ba8f6af1e68e5273de1ac5d3a9171 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64pseries.rpm
db8ff98e0171858cc05844054b41acdb kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64.rpm
4ce9594cc5ed4d04377dbab4c5311ab8 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ppc64.rpm

0e7dba799a5ed476da0da336e7625e16 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm
dc94a3fdb3835f8048809f555c890610 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm
5e6eb60def92b2868e8239c792e48494 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm
f9fa02a27db6f9965e4a0ba5f47ea649 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.s390.rpm

b50d69f24f9a62f849166f1ccd13ca9b kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm
37d3e304a14f3d242d9039a322540cc7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm
a86d006944328ae7e367a9a8c2ef3047 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm
b0421eb10246317025cde9f58615a81b kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.s390x.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Desktop version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

33b14be75af35da7f94a563221eacc38 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
2b2bc1f22c92a4fe7f71e3968d813b78 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
49362afb80039e121aebe71eb5241324 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
ccbc19bdd003091f169a81785f4a4c9f kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS version 3:

e2e271472a3605dcef9f8b48ddb7cfe9 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.src.rpm

14e451648c26efc912a3480708afee6f kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
67b81d592f5f1d9118c0b4aa98747c90 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
cfed1327615c0e1456824b605c9b3469 kernel-BOOT-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
408e8ce5096ab61b75207e32085345f7 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
31d4f639796879e49778e1bd01410a44 kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
e550c1f5343851f18e1e5d7123b16926 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
8060d4e95fa2b7d5978ac482a8494046 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
7a1eba47dadfb769ab5dd21e87544dcb kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
2f169daf9e95f6f602415d50a24befb9 kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm
07436903a9cc39b8efc50be1e4abd2b5 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.i386.rpm
40c1b82a9b3666833ef51f842adce559 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.athlon.rpm
23e18c3df38f90ea739e96b575c66a2a kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.i686.rpm

33b14be75af35da7f94a563221eacc38 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
2b2bc1f22c92a4fe7f71e3968d813b78 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
49362afb80039e121aebe71eb5241324 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm
ccbc19bdd003091f169a81785f4a4c9f kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia64.rpm

01537d12eb0a242c0cf0ff267bcd5510 kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
a1f13fd01729150df9d9a9d9aeac2e1c kernel-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
f5dc5548051bb90856f9307254234124 kernel-doc-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
1e4526ceb8f3d7f24628e1de2aaea3d5 kernel-smp-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
d2973934a286be55ff03aa79b1af75aa kernel-smp-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
a6035139fb318a72cea565cd6e2202e0 kernel-source-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm
ca0ca2170dc264dfbadf10f069075ac7 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.ia32e.rpm
3291254144c2a125e2ee84d6e20e02a8 kernel-unsupported-2.4.21-40.EL.x86_64.rpm

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